Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011

Since I just posted yesterday I really don't have much new to write about today. Just felt like posting a little something.
I spent my New Year's Eve watching the first disc of the second season of The United States of Tara. I should be watching the second disc right now but Tristan had a late nap and is still up. He should fall asleep pretty soon though. Hopefully by the time I'm done writing this entry he will be passed out and I can go back downstairs. Tim just played his game all last night, and the kids went to bed early. If there were any fireworks being set off outside the base then I missed them. Usually we can see them from the house.
Both kids were feeling much better today and I woke up thinking that I was coming down with it. Slightly runny nose and sore throat. It hasn't gotten any worse today so hopefully it will stay back. I actually took a nap today so that was nice.
Collie decided to start her new year with a new tooth! I didn't notice it at all yesterday so a lot came through last night. It's her fifth tooth and the fourth one just came in a few days ago on our anniversary. So two new teeth pretty much at the same time would definitely explain her temperature yesterday. Five teeth at six months old is crazy! Tristan was just getting his first tooth at this age, and he was way ahead of the other babies his age. She is so close to sitting up on her own now too. She can do it for a few seconds before falling over. I think that she will take to walking very quickly as well. She can do it if she's holding on to my hands with me walking behind her, just supporting her and not guiding. Tristan started walking on his own at ten months so we'll see what Collie does. She is still trying to keep her knees up under when when slithering around the house on the floor, but as soon as she's able to stand it's gonna be all over. I was really looking forward to all the little baby stuff again but she is just growing too fast! Pretty soon she will be beating up Tristan haha.
Tomorrow I have to go to the commissary and hopefully get a couple errands done off base. I need to go to the yen store and schedule an appointment for my tattoo. Monday I'm calling the travel agency on base to get a seat for the Battle of Okinawa tour IF they have any left. If not I am going to be very upset because I have been trying to get on this thing for a couple of months now. I also have to call the hospital for Collie's six month check up and four month shots....yes I have been slacking quite a bit. Tuesday is Tim's last day of leave, although he said he could extend it for two more days since he just got them for this month but we'll see. Then after he goes back to work we will find out the lastest on his discharge. No one has called and he hasn't been served so I'm extremely curious to know what's up. Hopefully we won't get jumped with a ton of last second shit that someone was too lazy to contact us about, like being told that the movers are coming the next day haha. We wouldn't even let them in the house if something like that happened.
Well I guess I ended up having a lot more to say than I thought! And Tristan is still awake, whispering to himself. I will have to just leave and see what happens. I'm starving!

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